Reporting at your PPA and documentation at NYSC secretariat is all you have in mind as your journey from the camp holding your posting letter. This is not strange yes! I know that feeling but;
Apart from reporting to your place of primary assignment you are very curious about how to go about documentation at the secretariat.
Relax read this article to the end and reporting at your PPA and documentation at the NYSC secretariat will be very easy.
Back to top1 ) Reporting at Your PPA and Documentation at NYSC Secretariat
1.1. Reporting at Your PPA
The posting letters are issued to corps members (CM) on the concluding day of the orientation camp for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). The following is in the letter:
1. Place of primary assignment (PPA): This is the name and address of the company or firms the corps member will work for the next ten months.
2. Corps members' details: this includes the corps member's name, age, call-up number, state code, course of study, passing out day, etc.
3. Terms of service: a list of bye-laws governing the program mostly directed at the PPA for them to abide by.
4. Comment: a detachable slip where the PPA indicates acceptance or rejection of the corps member.
5. Local government or zonal inspector: the name and contact details of the local government inspector (LI) or zonal inspector (ZI) attached to the corps members’ are there for the PPA or corps member to interact with at all times throughout the service.
On that day, all corps members are required to depart the camp and travel to their various PPA. But before doing that, it is suggested that you find a place to stay. You can remain for a few days at the residence after leaving your bags there (religious house). Then proceed to your PPA.
In little time at all, you should be able to find the location using Google Maps or by asking around. read also camp locations and addresses. Be mindful of your spending while traveling. The day when host towns looked after corps members are long past. These days, the economy is so hard that every person out there wants a share of the allowance.
Photocopy the posting letter four or five times. Go directly to the zonal manager's office, the head of administration, or the human resources manager's office. provide two copies. Either you'll be accepted or rejected.
1.2. Acceptance Letter
If you are accepted, the acceptance letter will be signed and dated. In the same way, your posting letter will be signed. They will comment on the two letters to indicate that you have been accepted.
The signed posting letter and letter of acceptance will be given to you with your name, call-up number, and state code. You may be required to sign before collecting the original letter of acceptance.
1.3. Rejection Letter
An additional posting letter will be sent to those who are rejected. On both letters, they will comment "rejected," keeping one. They will also send a letter of rejection with the letter.
Visit a business that needs a corp member to prevent receiving another rejection letter.
They will send you a request letter if they need your services. Even if you were unable to obtain a letter from any company, head over to the LI or ZI offices. Write a letter of request for reposting and submit it to the state coordinator, the LI, or the ZI.
Give a justification for the reposting. To copy and alter, there is always a sample at the office. Make sure to include your name, call-up number, and state code. I don't need to type.
Your posting letter, the letter of rejection, and any request letters you receive from other firms are all included in the letter. The documents will be scanned by the LI or ZI and sent to the state Secretariat for further processing.
You can only print it through your dashboard if you are reposted. The new posting letter can be downloaded and printed by going to your dashboard. Collect your acceptance letter.
Back to top2 ) Documentation At Local Government Secretariat
At the NYSC State Secretariat, corps members who have been transferred from other states will complete the necessary paperwork. For the documentation form for corps members that camped in the state, visit the LI or ZI office.
The majority of business districts have it (documentation form). Complete it and include a passport photo with it. Place the form into an office flat file. A passport photo should be affixed to the front.
The letters of acceptance and mailing should both be made in three copies. Submit the form with the three posting letters on it. Place the original acceptance letter and the other two copies now underneath the other documents
Use a perforator and the perforator rope to join them. The corpers liaison officer(CLO) will label it for you to fill out and place it at the front of the office flat file. you will be requested to fill out the following information:
- State code
- Name
- Call up number
- Email address
- Phone number
- House address
- Bank account details (name of bank, name of account, account number)
- Course of study
- Community development service (CDS) group and day of the week
Place all of these details, once filled out, within a transparent, water-resistant file. Please submit it to the LI or ZI secretary o the CLO.
The secretary or CLO will examine the paperwork and offer you the book of life if everything is in order. You must enter the information precisely as it appears at the front of the office flat file in the book.
You will be informed at this point as to when to report for your CDS and dress code. Your official CDS begins at this time.
Finally, go to your PPA once again for the job description and schedule. Then, while you won't be there, you can go ahead and give them your SAED (Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development) program.
In as much as NYSC Scheme does not accept overworking corps members, they are also against the under-utilization of corps members.
So most times your employer will make you do what all staff do. In this case, don’t feel bad they are helping you attain the aim, vision, and mission of NYSC.
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