NYSC PPA – how to influence your posting from camp is a question that is on the lips of all corps members. most especially, those who have tried to influence posting immediately after registration but it didn’t work.
After completing the three (3) weeks orientation program at the NYSC camp, you will be assigned to a Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). In your PPA, you will be required to provide selfless service to your country via the host community.
However, prospective corps members often worry about where they will be posted for their PPA.
If you are a corps member and you are so worried about how to cope in your place of primary assignment (PPA), the best thing to do is to influence your posting to a PPA of your choice from the camp.
The question becomes how do you go about this?
Worry no more! This article will reveal things you can do to influence your posting to your choice of PPA right from the camp.
Below are things that you can influence your posting from the camp. Read on
NYSC PPA – How to Influence Your posting from camp
If you have the intention of influencing your posting from the camp, then you must be intentional about your actions from the moment you enter the camp.
This includes being very active in camp activities. One may ask how? It is not a big deal you can join one group outside your platoon and be involved in their activities fully.
These could gain you favour in the eyes of the camp instructors. Active CMs are assigned to good PPAs.
If you are always in a group and contribute positively, your group inspector might recommend you for special PPA especially when he notices the zeal you bring to the group.
Below are things you can engage in to influence you posting from the camp
1. Letter Of Request
This is the simplest way to obtain a good PPA. It is straightforward. If you enjoy working in a company, you can apply to work there for a period.
The request letter must include the company’s letterhead, your full name, your NYSC call-up number, and a place for the state code. The state code will be provided to you at camp and should be read carefully.
This company will write to the scheme requesting you if your request is granted. If they don’t, it doesn’t mean you cannot try again but you will report first to the place you are posted then try again.
2. Permanent Home Address
NYSC sends CMs to a PPA near their home address. So, if you want to work in a specific location, include the area’s home address. If you don’t live in the region, create one.
First, the address you pick will determine where you will be posted. You will be requested to enter your current and permanent home addresses during registration.
From your resident address and permanent address, where you will be posted is deduced.
3. Joining The OBS
furthermore, Working for three weeks in the Orientation Broadcasting Service (OBS) is the most effective way to earn a good PPA.
The OBS is in charge of looking after the camp’s sound equipment, disseminating information, and organizing social activities.
It will interest you to know that, When it comes to posting to the principal assignment location, Corp members who join the OBS frequently receive preferential treatment.
4. Joining Groups And Making Friends
Being an active member of a group in camp will secure you a spot in an excellent posting as earlier stated.
You may easily make friends with soldiers, the man o’war, the civil defense, the police, and other officials if you know how to make friends.
Although this may not guarantee you a higher position, you never know, these people may help you influence your posting.
Moreso, NYSC officials divide themselves into various departments in the camp irrespective of their position. The person in the kitchen may turn out to be your zonal inspector or local government inspector. be careful.
5. Becoming A Platoon Leader
Platoon leaders are members of the corps who are in charge of directing their platoons of fellow Corp members. They also plan and supervise various social activities for Corp members.
That is, preparing their platoon for competitions with the help of the platoon officer which makes them closer to the platoon officer.
So, When it comes to posting Corp members to PPA, they are likewise given priority consideration. Many of them are assigned to good establishments, particularly in the state capital.
6. Becoming A Member Of The Band Group
For people who are talented at playing musical instruments, the NYSC band is a good fit. The camp band provides live entertainment for the marching corps members during the camp parades.
They play at Independence Day parades and other important festivals throughout the state when sent to major towns and cities.
Most times, they are posted to the state capital so they will be close to the federal secretariat of the state.
7. Joining A Religious Group
The National Association of Catholic Corpers(NACC), the National Christian Corper’s Fellowship (NCCF), and the Nigerian Muslim Corpers Association (MCAN) are the three religious organizations recognized in the camp.
In the camp, theSe are the three approved religious gatherings. These gatherings attract many camp authorities. Active corps members in these groups can be assigned to religious organizations that require their assistance.
The above information is for those who have decided to obey their clarion call in a particular place. This may be for reason best known to them.
Some persons have left their place of service to God and are ready to explore where ever they are posted. These people do not want to forfeit the aim of the scheme.
Notwithstanding, no matter the state you find yourself if you don’t like it, implore the aforementioned systems while you are in camp and you might land your dream PPA.