NYSC 2016 Batch B Stream 1 & 2 Passing out date
While the NYSC 2017 batch B stream 1 and 2 Prospective Corps Members (PCMs) are anticipating the date for their online registration and subsequently, date for their orientation camp and commencement of service year, NYSC 2017 batch B service year cannot commence when the current NYSC 2016 batch B stream 1 and 2 are still serving.
NYSC 2016 batch B stream 1 and 2 Corps Members have to completed their service year and do their Passing out Parade (POP) or Collection of Certificate (CoC) before the NYSC 2017 batch B stream 1 and 2 PCMs start theirs.
The passing out date for NYSC 2016 batch B stream 1 is Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 while that of batch B stream 2 is December 21, 2017..
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Registration date for new batch.