Written by: Corper Seun Albert Oyelude (KG/18A/0007)
Many of us never realized we were adults, until the responsibilities of adulthood came knocking. For some of us, those responsibilities are not unfamiliar, because we have spent most parts of our lives fending for ourselves. While for many of us, we are approaching that phase of our lives very fast.
After NYSC what next? Am I going back to my parent's home or sorting out my accommodation by myself after NYSC? Is it marriage, money or a master’s degree that I should pursue next? These and many more questions of this sort you will have to answer, sooner or later.
Whatever your answers to the “what next” question will be eventually is going to be dependent on your access to opportunities, that is why success has been popularly defined as “preparedness plus opportunity.” Let us assume that your university and NYSC days were probably your own periods of preparation, now what you need to move forward with your life is opportunities.
Therefore, this article aims at linking you with platforms where you will be spoon-fed with relevant local and global scholarships, jobs, grants and similar opportunities. these platforms are all web-based, so you can access them anywhere, at your fingertips. For some of these sites, you will have to subscribe to receive emails of opportunities in your email box, while for some others, you will have to keep checking for latest opportunities on their homepages from time to time.
The following are 45 relevant websites that serve the aforementioned purposes:
- http://sando.org.ng
- http://africanchangemakers.org
- http://impactpool.org
- http://www.lead2030.com
- http://www.opportunitiesforyouth.org
- https://www.jobgurus.com.ng
- http://yaliwestafrica.net
- http://teachsciafrica.com
- http://oppourtunities.com
- https://www2.fundsforngos.org
- http://opportunitydesk.org
- https://www.shedecides.com
- https://www.youthop.com
- https://scholarscareers.com
- http://www.youthpower.org
- https://www.globalchangemakers.net
- https://www.afterschoolafrica.com
- http://youthenterpriseconference.com
- http://worldscholarshipforum.com
- http://www.unv.org
- https://www.hotnigerianjobs.com
- https://diplomacyopp.com
- https://www.opportunitiesforafricans.com
- http://vacancies.ng
- https://www.munplanet.com
- https://www.wazobiainfos.com
- https://www.youthopportunities.org
- https://www.younb.org
- https://www.youthopportunityscholarships.org
- https://www.you.ca
- https://oyaop.com
- https://www.youthop.com
- https://globeopportunities.com
- https://www.marj3.com
- http://opportunitywow.com
- https://fundsforyouths.com
- https://opportunitypoint.org
- http://iamscholar.com
- https://opportunitiescorners.info
- https://aseanop.com
- https://fullopportunities.com
- https://for9a.com
- https://changeforsociety.com
- https://mustakbilcorner.com
- https://studentsfounder.com